The following letters are just a few of the many letters that your busy Editor receives in her office each week.

Dear Carol: Congratulations on bringing Transvestia into the 1980's! Those 350 mile round trips from Tulare to LA are pay- ing big dividends already. I share your satisfaction and happiness with the finished product. Being involved with publishing I can readily appreciate the time and effort you've put in to make Transvestia more eye catching and easier to read by learning proper selection of type sizes and faces, paste-up, graphics, etc. Your personal concern re- flects through the pages. I'm certain the improvements will spur our organization's growth and be viewed as a progressive step by our member sisters. Kathy (PA-13-H)

Dear Carol: Congratulations on a very nice presentation with the new format of Transvestia. Mar- jorie (WA-203-L)

Dear Carol: I want to congratu- late you and express my appre- ciation for the excellent work you are doing in publishing TVIA. When Virginia announced that she was going to retire, a huge lump came into my throat. I thought that there would be no

more publications and no one to carry on and publish Transves- tia. That magazine has been my comfort and salvation for over five years. Now that I have had an opportunity to receive, read and digest your issues of Trans- vestia, the lump in my throat has disappeared. Transvestia, un- der your leadership continues to be my source of comfort. Keep up the good work. JoAnne (Ky- 4-B)

Dear Carol: I found The Trans- vestite and His Wife to be a re- warding and extremely helpful book. So much so that this is one female who fully intends to become an "A" wife soon. Upon finishing it, I quickly sent it to my fiance who is away, and during a phone call last he, too, voiced his praise and heartfelt thanks that you, Vir- ginia Prince and Chevalier Pub- lications (as well as The Society For The Second Self) are all there to help. Thank you, once again, from both of us. Dorothy

Dear Carol: Transvestia No. 104 is TERRIFIC! I will be one of those racing to contribute. Send me forms to sell subscriptions.


Frances (ME-1-G)

Dear Carol: I have read Transves- tia No. 104 from cover to cover with delight and wish to compli- ment you on the new format. Virginia's article on Relaxing in Dressing was especially interest- ing to me as are all of her writ- ings. The story of Donna (IL- 11-S) was also most interesting, especially since I am an associate member of CHI chapter of Tri- Ess. I really don't know how you can do all the work you do and still runyour own business and only hope that you will not wear yourself down to a frazzle. Keep up the good work, Carol, we all love you. Felicity (NY-16-M)

Dear Carol: I was very much im- pressed with issue No. 104 of Transvestia. It is very profession- al looking. I found it to be easier to read than the older, smaller issues. I also liked the layout of the magazine. All together, you've done an excellent job with it. Joan (CA-31-G)

Dear Carol: I recently received some literature from you includ- ing a copy of Transvestia and the brochure concerning Tri-ESs So-